Notes for Order

Monday, February 6, 2012

Londinium Mens and Ladies Business Dress shirts

Londinium Mens and Ladies Business Dress shirts

Londinium (TM) is a clothing company for the business person.  Please see our new line of men's and ladies dress shirts. Londinium(TM) and Londinium Gear(C) are protected with intellectual property rights. Should you have any questions, please send your inquiries now to Send the email to attention: NEW SHIRT ORDER. 

"Cornelius' Handbook" by Londinium

"Cornelius' Handbook"-based on the many years of watching Christian tv and reading many many daily devotionals and just attending bible studies, choir practices, the single non-fornication ministries(I learned that if you commit and intend to stay then ok and then have your ceremony in ten years or hurry if you can so Grandma can freshen the collection of pictures since the pictures on the wall are mostly of couples now divorced since the new hires at work were girls gone wild kissing everybody and everything in fear of rejection.   But, give nice trinkets until then.   No church vow can beat your private vow and the ceremony is not the wedding. The wedding happens when you have faithful concupiscence) and youth group( two makes a group). The Copyright for "Cornelius Handbook" is owned by Warren A. Lyon. See Londinium(TM); copyright  February 2012. The book's contents now appear post by post on and is ever changing and growing.  It is also protected under copyright as noted.  We look to have it published though. Can you believe it?  It is anticipated that  the subject matter of this book may be turned into a reality tv show focusing on the lives of professional Christians in every profession including sports ( Tony Dungee, Kaka, Tebow), television(Charles Stanley, James Robison and Stephen Baldwin( Usual Suspects) and journalism ( Stone Phillips for NBC and Pat Robertson).

Londinium Gear 2013

Londinium Gear 2013