Notes for Order

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Camilla(TM) is a new trademark at Londinium Gear.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Respicio(TM) is now for sale. The price is $70000.00.

Hi Demetri Hypotenuse !  Do you remember my Sammy Davis routine?  Believe it!  Blessed are they who have not seen and yet hear.  Run the halls in Onionbun High and do calf exercises on the bottom step in the back stairwell.

Monday, November 21, 2016

"Brit" is covenant.

"Brit" is covenant in Hebrew. God actually named a nation "covenant." This discussion should not feel like one involving the history of the Assyrian occupation.  Rome Named the British Isles Britannia to address the Neanderthal presence on the island. But for God, civilization was impossible with those cave dwellers.  It is not. But, "Brit" is a profound message as the purpose of a person, place or thing is determined by the name of a thing.  The covenant is with God and gives authority. It is also with the people, all the people, to be utilized for their benefit and protection.  If the covenant changes, the obligation changes and also the requirements to maintain authority. The magna carta is a covenant. It is still a valid statute and predates the meaningful iterations of Thomas Hobbes.  Taxation without representation that led to the American revolution was a breach of a covenant and hence a loss of territory. Taxation without protection is also a breach of covenant and may lead to tumult, a loss of authority and  territory as a breach of the covenant that has certain requisites.  In world history, the obvious example of this covenant and relational nexus with requisites is the American Revolution and the events leading up to it as mentioned. There are other examples such as the the break down of the league of nations prior to WW 2 in that unfulfilled covenants domestically and internationally became grounds for social conflict. Nazi Germany and other fascist movements are evidence of the breach in principles and covenants that were an appendix to the existing covenants that governed all nations including Britain.          

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Thursday, November 3, 2016

DT(TM) Design company is a new trademark at Londinium.

DT(TM) Stands for Delighted Determination and Tenacity.  

It also stands for
  • DT, in nuclear fusion, the ratio of hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium; and for 

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Did you hear the one about the Catholic trying to buy another Catholic parishioner's product  for nothing? Neither did I.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Who can take advice from a President who found time to write jokes for Primetime?  His party has done nothing. Every time he travels anywhere something blows up and 100 people die somewhere.  It has been the most expensive fiasco to the whole entire world emotionally for the last 12 years. What a Democratic undoing; not a party and not a participant..."bring it".."want some uh this"...seriously?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Famil & Leigh(TM) and also Famil Leigh(TM)

Famil & Leigh(TM), Famil  Leigh(TM), Famil & Lee(TM), Famil Lee(TM) are new trademarks at  It will be appearing as a blogspot page very soon.

Thursday, June 2, 2016 will continue to carry this ministry. Please see for more.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Warren has approached the Primark company to discuss a license of the name Londinium(TM) and the design.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

For the 2016 Seasons, Londinium(TM) will not be presenting at any fashion shows, including those in the Caribbean although it is quite a beautiful part of the Western hemisphere.  There are no affiliations with any person, persons or companies at this time.   This was also the same for last year.

Warren A. Lyon, Owner.    

Londinium Gear 2013

Londinium Gear 2013